Hot Toys For Two Year Olds!!

The Top Ten Toys For Two Year Olds

Two year olds are absolutely amazing!  They're little brains are growing exponentially, and can literally soak up new ideas and concepts with ease.  In order to help their brains develop fully, it is critical that we ensure that they are getting a variety of unique and challenging stimlation.

Although most toy companies put insufficient thought into the "educational" potential that toys for two year olds can provide, there are a handful of companies that have built their businesses with the sole intent of creating fun, educational toys that will really get those brain waves firing.

I'm always struck by a sense of awe when I walk through the toy aisles at department stores.The vast selection of toy choices for toddlers is incredible. 

But just because there are so many toys for two year olds to choose from doesn't mean that all those toys are "good toys".  In an effort to cut back on costs, many unscrupulous toy manufacturers produce cheap and unsafe toys that could do much more harm than good.

Unfortunately, just having a safe toy is not enough.  With so many educational toys available for 2 year olds, it's highly recommended to pick a toy that really challenges those growing toddler brains.